
Friday, April 24, 2015

Magical places 2

Where are these magical places? The12:00 group has written the texts.
If you have any idea write a comment.

A. It´s a glacial lake on the East coast. It´s named after the fourth daughter of Queen Victoria and the wife of the the Marquis of Lorne, who was the Governor General of Canada.
The emerald colour of the water comes from rock flour carried in the lake by melt-water from the glacier that overlooks the lake.
It has a surface of0.8 km2. There is a great variety of hiking trails around the lake and some f them  are open to mountain hiking and horseback riding.
Some of the mountain faces offer opportunities for rock climbing, kayaking or canoeing which are very popular in summer.
It is said that the remains of a half-mam half-fish mummified creature can be found in the lake.


B. This place is located in the UK. It is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns that appeared around 60 millions years ago due to an intense volcanic activity.
There is a legend about the origins of its creation. The story is about two giants who did not get along well. One of this giants lived on the Antrim coast and the other in Scotland. In order to solve their differences they decided to have a fifght. Then one of them built a causeway of enormous stones across the sea from Antrim to Scotland, but as soon as he was approaching to his rival, he got afraid and went back home, losing one of his boots. The other giant ran to reach him nut when he arrived he just found a baby (who was the giant in disguise). He was scared thinking about the size that the father’s baby would have, so he ran away home too.
This peculiar landmark intrigues and inspires visitors who come to this magical place attracted by this unsolved mistery.


C. It is located in England. For centuries, historians and archaelogists have puzzled over the many mysteries of this places. Archaelogists believe this magical place was built in several stages.
According to the 12th-century writer Geoffrey of Monmouth, this famous places is the handiwork of Merlin the Wizard. Other early hypotheses attributed its building to the Saxons, Danes, Romans, Greeks or Egyptians. Many modern historians and archaelogists now agree that several tribes contributed to build this place.
Every year, one million people visit this magical place, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986.


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